We create a map and profile of your hearing system right up to the brain to help us help you with your hearing. Initial comprehensive assessments are performed in combination with lifestyle discussion. From there, our training and equipment provide you with a measure of your hearing loss and difficulties and assess your unique needs. Prescribed solutions will take into account all of this important and personalized information.
These assessments generally include a thorough audiological evaluation using techniques such as puretone audiometry, speech in noise testing, tympanometry, acoustic reflex testing, otoacoustic emission testing, etc. From there, we have a map of the health of your hearing system and make recommendations which may include strategies to use in difficult listening situations and the use of a hearing aid or hearing aids. We also may direct you back to your physician for follow-up if necessary.
About Leanne Nielson Over 30 years experience Leanne Nielson has over 30 years of experience working both in public health and in private practice in Northern Ontario, specifically servicing the areas of Kirkland