Welcome to Timiskaming Hearing Clinic

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Welcome to Timiskaming Hearing Clinic

Timiskaming Hearing Clinic is proud to have professional and caring staff who have extensive years of experience meeting your hearing healthcare needs.  Our focus is on preventative hearing health care.  We use state of the art equipment to assess your hearing and design a personal program to address your individual hearing needs.

Timiskaming Hearing Clinic provides professional care for all your hearing needs well beyond the provision of hearing aids, providing personal hearing healthcare programs to improve your quality of life at home and performance in the workplace.

Our Hearing Services

Our Services To Give Best Care For Your Hearing

Hearing Assessments

Comprehensive Evaluations We create a map and profile of your hearing system right up to the brain to help us help you with your

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Hearing Aids

Hearing Aid Prescriptions/Selection Procedures Once a comprehensive audiological evaluation is completed and we have determined your

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Auditory Processing Disorders Assessments (APD)

Central Auditory Processing Disorders Assessments (CAPD) Auditory processing disorder (APD), also known as central auditory processing

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Screening: Pre-Employment/Industrial

Screening: Pre-employment, Industrial, RCMP, OPP, and other We provide this service directly to employers or individuals who are in

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Tinnitus Treatment Options

Tinnitus is a sound or noise heard in the ears or head which does not come from the outside world. Tinnitus can be described as

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Alerting Devices

Alerting device prescription and consultation Alerting devices include smoke alarms, doorbells, telephones, and wake-up alarms.  We

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Meet Our Owner & Clinical Audiologist

Professional And Caring